AISD Dyslexia Middle School Project

Dyslexia Middle School Project

Dyslexia Middle School Project provides AISD middle school students the opportunity to receive dyslexia services and supports in a comprehensive academic environment. This provides students the support to excel in the core curriculum while maintaining access to elective and extracurricular courses and activities available to all middle school students. Students are provided with dyslexia intervention as an elective class. Intervention reading elective classes focus on the core competencies of reading – phonemic awareness, phonics and word study, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension. Students are also introduced to assistive technology tools that help to access the curriculum. All core teachers have received dyslexia professional development to ensure continued student support in the core curriculum. A dyslexia-focused parent group and individual parent support are also available. 

Proyecto de escuela secundaria de dislexia

El Proyecto de la Escuela Intermedia Dyslexia ofrece a los estudiantes de la escuela intermedia de AISD la oportunidad de recibir servicios y apoyos para la dislexia en un entorno académico integral. Esto brinda a los estudiantes el apoyo para sobresalir en el plan de estudios básico mientras se mantiene el acceso a cursos y actividades electivos y extracurriculares disponibles para todos los estudiantes de la escuela intermedia. Los estudiantes reciben intervención para la dislexia como una clase electiva. Las clases electivas de lectura de intervención se enfocan en las competencias básicas de la lectura: conciencia fonémica, fonética y estudio de palabras, desarrollo de vocabulario, fluidez y comprensión. A los estudiantes también se les presentan herramientas de tecnología de asistencia que ayudan a acceder al plan de estudios. Todos los maestros centrales han recibido desarrollo profesional sobre dislexia para asegurar el apoyo continuo de los estudiantes en el plan de estudios básico. También hay disponible un grupo de padres centrado en la dislexia y apoyo individual para padres.

CMS Dyslexia Parent Support Group 

Meeting Schedule

*All meetings will be held Tuesdays, from 6:00-7:00 in the Covington MS library.

November 2nd- Dyslexia Information Awareness/Study Skills and Homework Support

Come learn the basic facts concerning dyslexia and explore how this may impact your child at the middle school level. Study skills and homework become more independently driven in middle school. Learn tips and strategies to help your child be successful with homework and study skills.

December 14th - Accommodations, Tech Tools

What accommodations and tools can your child meet their potential. Come discuss and explore different accommodations, including technology tools, that can enhance your child’s access in the classroom. Learning Ally will also be discussed.

February 15th - Dyslexia Simulation and Social and Emotional Impact of Dyslexia in Middle School

Have you ever wished that you could see through your child’s eyes to help you understand what having dyslexia is like? Get the chance to experience a dyslexia simulation, and a follow up question and answer session led by AISD’s 504 Department. Dyslexia can impact more than reading and writing. Please join us for a discussion on the social and emotional impact of dyslexia and related disorders. Learn how you can support your child in these areas.

April 19th - Self-Advocacy, Bridging the Summer Gap

With summer approaching and some students making the transition to high school, we will be touching on the importance of self-advocacy and ways to continue practicing skills over the summer.