Football Schedule Fall 2024
Coaches McPherson – Head Coach
8th A Mr. Dost 7th A Mr. Silva
Location |
7A / 7B |
8A / 8B |
Attention athletes, In order to participate in athletics you must have a physical dated after April 15, 2024 on file. Physical forms can be picked up at the office at Covington or they can be accessed on the Austin ISD website. Go to the departments tab, and click on the athletics tab, then click on forms and resources. Forms may be dropped off at the office or turned in when school begins. Football practice will begin the first day of school from 4:00-5:30. Make sure you bring cleats, shorts, and a t-shirt.
Colt Football
We want to welcome you to another exciting year of Covington Colt Football. The coaches have been gearing up for the season and can't wait for you to attend. Please make sure you are getting exercise (more on that below) and acclimating to the Texas summer heat.
Make sure you are keeping in shape this summer
Get outside, exercise, and play as much as you can. It will be hot in August and you need to get used to the heat. Push ups, pull ups, squats, and sprints are the best exercises you can do to prepare yourself as a football player. Also, be sure to incorporate some aerobic exercise as well, such as running, biking or soccer.
Practice will take place every non-game day between 3:45 and 5:30.
Parents must contact the Covington Athletic Office if their child will be missing practice. Unexcused absences may result in diminished playing time during games.
Players are expected to be picked up from campus no later than 5:45. Please arrange for your child to be picked up by family or friends if you know you will be unable to make it on time.
Please bring a water bottle with you to school so you can stay hydrated throughout the day.
All equipment EXCEPT FOR CLEATS will be provided by the school.
Admission @ Burger Stadium:
Adult $4 and Student $2
Tickets can be bought online at