Graphic Design:
Graphic Design introduces students to the principles and tools of visual communication and allows them to try these out on self-directed assignments and projects. Students also learn about careers involving these skills and software. (Grades 6, 7, 8)
This is a course in beginning keyboarding techniques and basic computer use. It is foundation for developing entry-level skills for business careers. The course is taught on computers using appropriate software, such as Microsoft Word, MicroType, Excel, and PowerPoint. Emphasis is placed on the development of speed and accuracy by use of touch keyboarding methods, the development of touch skills on the 10-key pad, and the development of basic technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies. (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Manufacturing & Construction Technology:
In this course, students investigate the types of activities performed in the construction and manufacturing industry. (Grades 7, 8)
Robotics Careers:
Through Laboratory experiences and research, students will the skills and technologies of the robotics industry. (Grades, 6, 7, 8)
Technology Careers:
This course increases student understanding of the development and impact of technology on society and the environment. Students design, build, and test products and systems to solve real world problems. (Grades 7, 8)
Web Design:
Web Design introduces students to careers in web technologies, while also introducing some of the skills and concepts behind advanced digital design and programming. Students are required to have taken Graphic Design in order to take Web Design. (Grades 7, 8)
Yearbook Staff:
The Yearbook Staff class designs and creates the yearbook, including layout, photography, and caption-writing. Students must fill out an application for this class prior to being accepted. (Grades 7, 8)
Teacher Contact Information
Bradley Angermeier
Makerspace, Robotics, Video Game Design II
512.414.3276 ext. 53804
Tutoring: Weds - Fri 7:30-8:10
Jennifer Schroeder
Graphic Design, Yearbook Staff, Keyboarding
512.414.3276 ext. 52579