
Student working with a microscope

We are proud to offer a well-rounded and rigorous WHOLE Child educational experience, placing the individual student at the center of all that we do. Our campus culture is framed by Social Emotional Learning, which guides a variety of campus-wide service learning projects. Recognized by the Texas Education Agency for multi-year Distinguished Performance, our core academic subjects are all taught at the Pre-AP level, with individualized supports provided for students with unique learning needs. Creative Learning strategies reinforce an interdisciplinary approach that integrates arts and technology into all learning. Our Fine Arts offerings bring outstanding learning and award-winning performance opportunities, from beginner to advanced levels. Arts, Entrepreneurship, Dual Language, Computer Coding, Robotics, Career Technology Education, and more … Covington has something for you!

At Covington Middle School and Fine Arts Academy students explore the arts and become citizens of character committed to lifelong learning through academic excellence, emotional and physical wellness, and service to their community. Our AVID college preparation program helps students increase their self-confidence and self-discipline, problem-solving and social skills. Students are welcomed for who they are in a culture of social support and acceptance. All Covington students have access to all fine arts programs, and many participate in more than one specialty area.

Program Highlight Video

Campus Highlights

  • AVID College Readiness
  • Career and Technical Education
  • Communities in Schools
  • Creative Learning Initiative
  • Dual Language
  • Fine Arts Academy
  • GearUp
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • 21st Century ACE After School


En la Escuela Secundaria Covington y la Academia de Bellas Artes, los estudiantes exploran las artes y se convierten en ciudadanos de carácter dedicados al aprendizaje permanente a través de la excelencia académica, el bienestar emocional y físico y el servicio a su comunidad. Nuestro programa de preparación universitaria AVID ayuda a los estudiantes a aumentar su seguridad en sí mismos, autodisciplina, habilidades para resolver problemas y habilidades sociales. Aceptamos a los estudiantes por lo que son, propiciando una cultura de empatía y apoyo. Todos los estudiantes de Covington tienen acceso a todos los programas de bellas artes, y muchos participan en más de una especialidad.

Vídeo destacado del programa

Aspectos Destacados

  • Academia de Bellas Artes
  • ACE siglo XIX
  • Aprendizaje social y emocional
  • Preparación universitaria AVID
  • Communities in Schools
  • Educación Profesional y Técnica
  • Estudios académicos
  • GearUp
  • Iniciativa de Aprendizaje Creativo
  • Lenguaje dual